Life With Parrots

What To Do When Your Cat Comes Home After Being Missing

If your cat has been missing for some time, it's no doubt a massive relief that they're now home. However, your work isn't done just yet. As a responsible pet parent, it's up to you to make sure that your cat's in good health, as prolonged absences can potentially cause serious health problems. Read on to learn what you should do if your cat has just come home after being missing. Read More 

Tips For Keeping Your Cat Calm While Boarding

If your cat is typically anxious or feels stressed, then you may not be comfortable leaving your feline at a boarding facility while you go on vacation. However, cat boarding facilities are the safest places to leave your cat while you are away. If you want to make sure your cat stays calm during the boarding period, then read through some of the tips outlined below. Buy A Cat-Calming Collar Read More 

Three Reasons Why Dogs Benefit From Eating Meat-Based Diets

The growth of vegetarianism and veganism in the United States is largely attributable to the belief these diets are healthier for adult humans. As a result of that trend, some pet owners and other animal welfare proponents are advocating for diets with less meat for dogs. Their argument is that dogs are omnivores and can survive and thrive on plant-based diets while meat is less desirable, even harmful to canines. Unfortunately, this mistaken belief about the diet of dogs can lead to negative health consequences. Read More 

5 Summer Health Concerns For Your Dog

When it comes to your dog's health, you want what is absolutely the best for them. There are numerous things to make yourself aware of when it comes to your dog's health. A proper diet, proper grooming and regular visits to the vet's office are all things that your dog should experience on a regular basis. Having said that, there are some health problems that can especially affect your dog during the hot summer months. Read More 

Seven Often Overlooked Questions To Ask When Boarding Your Pet Parrot Or Companion Bird

If you're a devoted bird owner, chances are you might need to make boarding arrangements at some time. Whether you board your pet at an avian care establishment or an exotic pet shop with boarding facility, there are several aspects you need to consider to keep your feathered friend safe and comfortable. Here are seven essential questions to ask your pet caretakers for more information: 1. Are owners required to provide health certificates when boarding their pets? Read More