
Things You Need To Know Before Buying A Pet Reptile

Having a reptile as a pet is not as simple as buying a cage and putting the animal in it. You should do a bit of research to make sure you are prepared to take care of it properly. It is also important you buy it from a reputable seller. Here are some things you need to know and consider before bringing the reptile home. Food Not all reptiles for sale eat the same food. Read More 

Signs You Should Take Your Cat To The Veterinarian

When you are a cat owner, you can sometimes come to take your cat's health for granted. After all, cats are naturally quite resilient and healthy creatures that do not need a great deal of veterinary care or maintenance. However, even indoor cats that are rarely exposed to the outside world can get sick and need to take a trip to the veterinarian. It is important to know the signs that your cat needs to go to the vet so you can keep them as healthy and as safe as possible all throughout their lives. Read More 

3 Signs Of Canine Gum Disease

If you have a pet, you probably understand the importance of training, feeding, grooming, and providing your dog or cat medical care when necessary. Unfortunately, most people do not place enough emphasis on their pet's oral health. While surprising for most people to learn, most dogs and cats have some form of periodontal disease by the time they are 3 years old. Most dogs do not show actual signs of gum disease until it progresses to a more severe state. Read More 

Does Your Dog Have Sunburned Eyes?

In this day and age of pampering pooches, most pet owners know that dogs are susceptible to skin damage from the sun, just like humans are. However, it might surprise you to discover that your dog's eyes are at risk, too. In addition to long-term vision damage, your dog's eyes could be harmed by short-term exposure to the sun. Read on to learn about this phenomenon, its symptoms, and to discover what you can do about it. Read More 

Apartment Living: What You Need To Know Before Getting An Emotional Support Dog

If you've been battling depression and your psychiatrist has recommended that you have an emotional support dog, you probably have a ton of questions, especially if you live in an apartment that does not allow pets. Fortunately, landlords are required under the Federal Housing Act to allow people to have emotional support pets when they are necessary. Here's what you need to know.  How do you tell your landlord and when? Read More