If you enjoy spending time with cats and dogs, and you are looking for a way to make a few extra dollars, you may have thought about starting a pet sitting service within your neighborhood. This can be a fulfilling job prospect that can earn you extra money without having to deal with a lot of people to obtain it. Starting your own pet care service will require you to do a bit of research beforehand to ensure you get off to the good start.
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If you are the proud parent of a Weimaraner pup, congratulations! Weimaraners are intelligent, have a huge personality, and are known to develop a strong bond with their humans. They were bred to hunt large animals such as bears and deer. Whether you adopted your Weimaraner to be a hunting dog, a house dog, or both, it is crucial for you to understand the genuine hunting instincts of the breed and tools you can use to hone in and/or control those instincts.
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If you would love to have a cat, yet travel frequently for work or other reasons, then you may think you have to wait until your schedule "settles down" before you adopt a new kitty. However, there are many cats and kittens at adoption facilities who would love to have an owner like you to shower them with love and affection on most days, even if you can't every single day of the year.
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If your cat has been missing for some time, it's no doubt a massive relief that they're now home. However, your work isn't done just yet. As a responsible pet parent, it's up to you to make sure that your cat's in good health, as prolonged absences can potentially cause serious health problems. Read on to learn what you should do if your cat has just come home after being missing.
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